Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Commontary to Animal Farm

No I didnt exspect the ending to happen as it happened. I didnt exspect Napoleon to turn in to human. Animals dont know how to run a society. The animals never gave up hope for Animal Farm.

Chapter 9 and 10

Chapter 9: Boxer split his foot open and it took a long time to heel. The day after the celabration they started to rebuild the windmill. Boxer was not going to take a day off of work and he wasnt going to show any pain either. It was really cold and food was shorter than ever. Boxer was sent to the knacker "Slaughter House" and he was killed.

Chapter 10: Years had passed by very fast and everyone and everything had been forgotten. Everyone forgot about the people that died. Squealer got very fat and benjamin was the only one who stayed the same. But there were more animals on the farm now. The windmill was not for elctricity it was for milling corn and are hard at work building another one.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Propaganda and manipulation

1. Real Life, Glitttering Generalities: I have seen this in real life. When you look at an ad, it says that their product is the best or something. How can you believe it because you dont really know if is the best. One time I went to buy an air rifle and it said it was the best one to buy. After I bought it, it was definelity not the best one.

2. Plain Folks: This has been on T.V alot. It is for the older people because when they cant walk good anymore they can go get a electric wheel chare. When the older people see another older person getting around good on a wheel chare they would like to have one.

3. Animal Farm, Black and White Thinking: The animals in Animal Farm did not no what to do because they didnt know if they should be on Napoleons side. So Snowball was the only one to go agianst him .

4. Transfer: Is when Napoleon is always seen whereing the metals and is by the flag. It makes him look like he is strong and stands strong for the animals. Then all the animals want to be on his side.

5. Band Wagon: It is when Old Major was telling all of the animals to go against Mr. Jones because Mr. Jones was going to make there lives miserable. So he made the animals run Mr. Jones out because he tells them they will never be free.